Project Vino is not just an online wine seller.
Project Vino is a reminder to slow down, breathe, and enjoy the journey.
Within this section, you will learn who we are, what we stand for, and where we came from.
We are the sum of the things we’ve done, the people we cherish, and the places we’ve been.
When Steven approached me for this project, He told me 1 thing that stuck to me, he said that wine is his passion.
And that's when I knew that this was going to be one of those projects where he would be involved in --which I loved.
I enjoy speaking directly with the owners and decision makers because you can't translate passion. 
Their energy is contagious.
I was tasked to come up with the whole identity system from messaging to final implementation, to say that this was challenging is an understatement. 
Passion projects are tough to take on because if it's something you're passionate bout, it's something you're willing to put your time and effort into and everything has to be right.
I'm thankful that Steven trust me enough and let me lead, he trusted every suggestion and in the end, he liked the final product.
Project Vino now has a physical store location here in Manila and I couldn't be more proud to be involved in this project.

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